Row over celebrity chef Alain Roux's windows boils over

05:00PM, Thursday 18 August 2016

Michelin-starred chef Alain Roux has been stirring up controversy in Bray after neighbours objected to his replacement ‘plastic’ windows.

The son of celebrity chef Michel Roux recently replaced the windows on a property he owns in The Terrace, just down the road from The Waterside Inn where he is chef-patron. The house is understood to be staff accommodation.

After he changed them, he was informed by the council he needed planning permission, as the house is within a conservation area.

He applied for retrospective planning permission, which was later approved by the Royal Borough after the application went to Maidenhead Development Control Panel on Wednesday, August 10.

Mr Roux’s solicitor wrote to the planning department before the meeting saying he was unaware he needed to get permission, and pointed out there were other houses in The Terrace which had UVPC or non-sash windows.

But the application provoked angry letters of objection from neighbours.

One wrote: “I’ve just seen an application for plastic windows fitted on my lane.

“Where does one go about objecting to this, as everyone on The Terrace is angry these windows were fitted as they look horrible and devalue the look of the lane?”

Another neighbour wrote: “The uPVC replacement windows that were put in (replacing the traditional timber sash windows that were painted white) are undesirable and do not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.

“In fact, I think they damage it. They look completely out of place.”

Neighbours raised the issue at Bray Parish Council on Monday, where they demanded to know why planning permission had been given.

The half-dozen residents told the parish council they had considered starting a petition, and the idea had been supported by 80 people in less than two days.

They also alleged a wheelie bin had been placed in front of the planning notice, which may have stopped other neighbours objecting.

Parish councillor Derek Wilson (Con, Holyport) told residents nothing could be done now as the decision had already been made ‘democratically’ in a council meeting.

A spokeswoman at the office of Alain Roux declined to comment to the Advertiser.


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