Teenage staff member describes armed robber's raid on popular Burnham Beeches cafe

02:50PM, Monday 15 August 2016

A young member of staff at the Beeches Cafe has described the moment he was robbed at knifepoint while working there.

The cafe in Burnham Beeches was robbed on Friday at 5.30pm.

Cafe assistant Adam Harper, 18, who has just finished school and is hoping to attend Bristol University, said: "It seemed fast at the time.

"I was in the cafe at the time.

"A guy came up with a mountain bike.

"He came in with a knife and asked us, 'where is the money?'"

Adam, who was with two other people when the incident took place, said the man was brandishing a 'large kitchen knife.'

"We pointed to the till.

"He went over to the till, then he asked us 'was there any more?'"

They told him about a safe where more money was stored, before he took the cash and left.

"We were closing up.

"We had a big day that day.

"If he had been watching, he would have known."

There was a family and a woman sitting near the cafe during the robbery, and the family called the police.

The police have visited regularly following the robbery, and have pledged to visit on their patrols more frequently in the future.

Adam said he had chosen to go back to work instead of worrying about the event at home.

He said: "It's the best way of dealing with it."

Contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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