Suspended sentence for man guilty of theft, fraud and burglary

04:08PM, Monday 14 November 2016

A man from Maidenhead was given a two year custodial sentence, suspended for two years, for a string of offences at Reading Crown Court on Friday.

Timothy Clarke, 21, of Norfolk Road, was convicted on October 6 after pleading guilty to theft in dwelling, fraud by false representation and attempted burglary dwelling.

Clarke was found guilty by a unanimous jury of one count of burglary of a dwelling.

On November 25 last year, Clarke used keys stolen from a letter box in the foyer of flats in Maidenhead to steal clothing, cash and bank cards.

The cards were then used to withdraw and transfer cash from the victim's account.

Mr Clarke later tried to re-enter the same property several days later, but was chased off by the occupant.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Christine Miller, said: “The effects of burglary aren’t always financial.

“To have someone enter your home, your private space and rifle through your belongings can feel violating and impact your sense of emotional well-being and sense of security.

“I am pleased that Clarke has been convicted and sentenced which will hopefully bring some measure of closure to my victim.”


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