'Totally unnecessary' double yellow lines removed in Furze Platt

09:00AM, Friday 05 March 2021

A garage owner has expressed his relief after ‘totally unnecessary’ double yellow lines have been removed from a street in Furze Platt.

On Wednesday, February 24 the highways authority removed the lines in a lay-by that were causing problems for a garage business on Switchback Road South.

The lines were painted in December last year.

Owner of Exlers Garage, John Stuchbery said: “None of the residents could make sense of it.”

The double yellows meant that his customers no longer park outside – which was ‘detrimental’ to the business.

“We’d had two months of customers who were really worried about pulling up – we have a lot of elderly customers who rely on us, and they just want to be able to pull up easily,” said John.

“There’s no doubt it definitely affected the business. We’re all relieved that they’re gone, a lot of anxiety has been removed.”

The council claimed that the new double yellow lines in the area were requested by residents – but these were so poorly received once laid, the council reversed its decision.

It transpired that the double yellow lines had been put in as part of the drawing up of new parking bays in the street, in order to make the new bays more effective.

John said he felt that the whole endeavour had been a waste of money.

“It took them three times as long to remove them than to put them down, and five people were involved – how much did that cost? It leaves you speechless.”

Councillor David Cannon, lead member for parking, said: “The lines and a resident parking restriction were put in at the request of residents following a consultation.

“It was apparent that the length of double yellow lines were excessive and in consultation with residents, businesses and ward councillors it was agreed to remove some of the excess lines as this was in the best interests of everyone.”


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  • Pursuer

    13:01, 05 March 2021

    Who were the "consulted" public ? Were they are fiction like so many claimed 'consultations' which no-one seems to hear about until after the event? John couldn't find any near his garage.



  • rogersmith02

    11:11, 05 March 2021

    So who got it wrong and changed their minds? The consulted public or the council? Councillor Cannon leads us to believe the former. I doubt it.



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