Young Maidenhead Hockey Club players train over Zoom to maintain fitness

12:00PM, Sunday 28 February 2021

While they may not be able to play on the pitch during the current lockdown, Maidenhead Hockey Club’s younger players, the Colts, are still enjoying a weekly training session and a catch up over Zoom.

The club launched the first of its weekly training sessions this month with members of its Colts division able to sign up to a 30-minute slot, which covers fitness and basic skills.

The sessions are intended to not only encourage training and on-going fitness, but to provide a social opportunity for the players to catch up and keep in touch with their teammates.

Tim Cracknell, Head of Colts at Maidenhead Hockey Club said: “We believe that it is so important, during these difficult times, for people to keep active where they can and to keep in touch with others too.

“The Zoom sessions, which we have launched, provide an opportunity for our younger members to take part in a fun and energetic training session, alongside their fellow teammates. It was fantastic to see so many of the Colts, as well as their families, getting involved and enjoying themselves.

“A huge thank you has to go to our excellent Coaching Crew, who all did a fantastic job, delivering a series of energetic and engaging sessions for the 100 plus members, who joined our first sessions.”

One parent commented afterwards: “A big thank you to all those who organized and gave up their time for this. It's very much appreciated.”

The sessions are open to all Colts members and are delivered via Zoom every Sunday. The sessions are 30 minutes in duration and each age group will have a dedicated head coach and coaching crew.

Maidenhead Hockey Club’s Colts community caters for boys and girls from u8s through to u18s.

For more information or to find out more about becoming a member email or visit


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