Cox Green club enjoys turkey lunch thanks to Cracker Appeal

Cox Green club enjoys turkey lunch thanks to Cracker Appeal

04:41AM, Saturday 12 April 2014

Cox Green club enjoys turkey lunch thanks to Cracker Appeal

A packed hall of older people enjoyed a roast dinner courtesy of the Maidenhead Advertiser's Cracker Appeal.

The lunch in the community centre was attended by 40 pensioners

The Cox Green Luncheon Club sat down to an Easter turkey dinner when it met at Cox Green Community Centre on Tuesday.

It was funded with money raised over the Christmas period by the Cracker Appeal.

The Advertiser's appeal raises cash for parties and days out for community groups.

In December two roasting birds from Copas Traditional Turkeys were donated to the club, along with £275 in cash.

Ruby Doubty, who is one of the club's team of helpers, said it decided to freeze the turkeys and serve them for its Easter meal.

She said: "It was much enjoyed by everyone. They all thought it was lovely."

The club meets every Tuesday at the community centre in Highfield Lane.

Its members are made up of community members and church-goers from All Saints in Boyn Hill, St Edmund Campion in Altwood Road and the Good Shepherd in Highfield Lane.


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