Housing Solutions reaches out to its 600 clients aged 70+

02:58PM, Monday 23 March 2020

Housing Solutions reaches out to its 600 clients aged 70+

Affordable homes provider, Housing Solutions, has made special arrangements for staff to phone its 600 customers in the 70+ age bracket.

Chief executive Orla Gallagher is calling out to vulnerable people to contact Housing Solutions with any concerns they might have, whether or not these are directly related to its services.

The organisation is offering to use its extensive network to put people in touch with other charities and services that might be of help.

As such, Housing Solutions is asking for charities to contact them, in order to create a co-ordinated response.

The Maidenhead-based housing association has more than 7,500 homes across Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. It is retaining almost all of its workforce, and is making assurances that its staff can work effectively from home.

Housing Solutions will continue to run its repair scheme, however, all non-urgent work will be moved back by three months.

Nonetheless, Ms Gallagher urges people not to hesitate to call if in doubt.

“We need to know about problems in the home, and we need to know about personal circumstances as well.

“If you’re ill or self-isolating, let us know. Our staff have personal protective clothing,” said Ms Gallagher.

“The last thing we want is for someone to become unwell because they have no gas, thinking that they shouldn’t ring Housing Solutions.”

Ms Gallagher also warned against opening the door to those offering services, with no identification.

“People are being door-knocked by people who are not well-intentioned,” she said. “Don’t give cash to anyone. Staff with Housing Solutions have a blue badge for identification.”


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