Theresa May says Dominic Cummings did not follow ‘spirit’ of lockdown guidance

11:04AM, Saturday 30 May 2020

COOKHAM 132042-8

Maidenhead MP Theresa May has said Dominic Cummings did not follow ‘the spirit of the guidance’ by travelling 260 miles from London to Durham during the UK lockdown.

The Prime Minister’s chief adviser has faced criticism for driving to a cottage on his father’s land on March 27 due to fears he and his wife would not be able to care for their young child if they fell seriously ill with COVID-19.

He later drove to Barnard Castle on April 12, 15 days after he had first displayed symptoms of coronavirus, to test his eyesight before a potential return to work in London.

In a letter to her constituents, seen by the Advertiser, Mrs May said she understood the anger of those who have stuck to Government guidance to curb the spread of COVID-19.

She said: “The Prime Minister and Dominic Cummings have both made statements about Mr Cummings’ actions.
“What this matter has shown is that there was a discrepancy between the simple messages given by the Government and the details of the legislation passed by Parliament.

“In these circumstances I do not feel that Mr Cummings followed the spirit of the guidance. I can well understand the anger of those who have been abiding by the spirit of the guidance given by the Government and expect others to do so.
“One of my biggest concerns has been that the ongoing focus on Mr Cummings has been detracting from the most important task, which is dealing with coronavirus and starting the process of recovery and easing lockdown.”

Mrs May paid tribute to the ‘strength and resolve’ of the British people and said the collective actions of the public had prevented the NHS from being overrun, turning the tide on the virus.

She also thanked the country’s ‘heroic’ NHS staff and care workers.


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  • Mistercondon

    01:01, 31 May 2020

    My concern is that at a time of great crisis, the government are perceived as figures of fun. This cannot be healthy. We know the cabinet was assembled solely to agree with Mr Johnson/Mr Cummings about Brexit, so not the brightest, not the cleverest set of people, clearly. But now we have “figures of fun” trying to lead us out of this. Depressing!



  • JoeSoap

    20:08, 30 May 2020

    She's shaking at the thought of an extreme no deal Brexit 31/12/20



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