People ‘shielding’ from COVID-19 to be allowed outside from tomorrow

04:46PM, Sunday 31 May 2020

People ‘shielding’ from COVID-19 to be allowed outside from tomorrow

People who have been ‘shielding’ themselves from COVID-19 will be allowed to go outdoors from tomorrow, the Government has announced.

Those classed as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ to the virus have been asked to stay at home for 10 weeks to protect themselves from infection.

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said from tomorrow people in this category will be able to go outdoors with members of their own household.

If they live alone, those affected can go outside with one person from another household.

Mr Jenrick said: “This will enable those shielding to see loved ones like children and grandchildren, something many I know are aching to do.

“Having spent many weeks indoors, some will understandably be very cautious and concerned about going outdoors and you should only do what you are comfortable with.”

Mr Jenrick added those going outside must follow social distancing guidelines and stay at least 2m away from others.


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