Thames Valley Police issue 12 lockdown fines over two week period

03:55PM, Monday 01 June 2020

Thames Valley Police issue 12 lockdown fines over two week period

Just 12 fines were issued by Thames Valley Police for people breaching lockdown rules in a two week period during lockdown, new figures reveal. 

According to data released by the National Police Chief's Council (NPCC), since March 27 Thames Valley Police has dished out 878 fixed penalty notices. 

TVP issued 12 of these between May 12 and May 25. 

The force said as restrictions have started to ease, the majority of the public were listening to the advice and complying with government restrictions.

A spokesman said TVP had mainly been deployed to group gatherings.

He said: “As restrictions have started to ease, the public have continued to play their role in protecting themselves and others from the spread of coronavirus. 

“Our officers are still policing by consent, using discretion and common sense, to engage with our communities, explaining and empowering people to help the fight against this indiscriminate virus. 

“We have continued to attend incidents where people have reported alleged breaches of the coronavirus regulations, we have also engaged with members of the public as a result of our routine patrols.

“We have deployed primarily to ongoing group gatherings, due to the greater health risk they pose. 

“We would like to thank our communities for assisting our officers in helping to protect themselves and others from coronavirus.”

The NPCC said between May 12 and May 25 there were 1,019 fines issued by police forces in England. Data shows the most fines were given out on Tuesday, May 12, with 178 fines being issued the day before lockdown measures were eased. 

Since Wednesday, May 13, a total of 841 have been given out by police forces in England. 

Martin Hewitt, chair of NPCC, said: “The collective public effort over the past two months has meant police officers have only rarely had to step in to enforce regulations and even less so in the past few weeks."

The NPCC said the majority of fines issued in England were to males in the 18-24 age group and fines have been more likely to be given at weekends. 

In England, since restrictions were eased, fines have been issued for reasons such as driving with non-household members, house parties, large gatherings of people from different households, and camping, among other things.

Mr Hewitt added: “There is still a responsibility on us all to abide by the regulations set in each part of the UK, and to follow public health guidance as best we can when out and about. Throughout this pandemic, officers have only enforced as a last resort and have taken a common sense approach, applying their discretion and judgement when engaging with the public.”


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