Thames Valley Air Ambulance staff aiding vaccination rollout

01:33PM, Monday 22 February 2021


Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA) staff have been helping to deliver vaccines in the area.

Staff at the charity have volunteered their time to help with inoculations in the community, as well as helping in non-clinical roles.

The majority of the charity's front-line workers have also now had their first jab. All of its paramedics, dispatch assistants and operations support staff have received their first dose, and 90 per cent of TVAA's doctors have also been vaccinated.

Simon Wetenhall, Thames Valley Air Ambulance senior critical care paramedic said: “After such a tough year, the amazing progress of the UK’s COVID vaccination rollout has been a shot of good news amongst the gloom. 

"That’s why, when I saw the opportunity to become a volunteer vaccinator in my local community, I jumped at the chance to help in the fight against COVID.

“For some people, the trip to get vaccinated may be the first time they have left their home in months. 

"When people arrive for their vaccination, they tell you how much it means to them. For many, it is a sign that they might be able to see their children or grandchildren again soon. It is a light at the end of the tunnel.”



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  • be_ transparent

    15:03, 22 February 2021

    One day the government will finally twig that this should be a nationally funded service as it commands such wide support from the public. It is disappointing that Thames Valley Air Ambulance relies on charitable funding to exist and receives no funding from government or the national lottery.



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