Cllr John Lenton becomes the new mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead

10:30AM, Thursday 25 May 2017

A ‘sombre’ service was held for the mayor-making ceremony on Tuesday in a mark of respect for the victims of the Manchester Arena attack the day before.

The annual Royal Borough council meeting saw Cllr John Lenton become the new mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead, and Cllr Eileen Quick (Con, Clewer East) take on the responsibilities of deputy mayor.

A minute’s silence was held at the beginning of the meeting and the majority of councillors decided not to wear their ceremonial robes or white ties out of respect.

Cllr John Lenton (Con, Horton and Wraysbury), who was first elected onto the council in 2007, said it was a great honour to become mayor and spoke of his thoughts about the Manchester attack.

He said: “We should not give in to terrorism; we should continue with our normal lives.”

He went on to say: “Not only are we a very special and world famous borough, but we are unique.

“Not only do we have as our most famous resident Her Majesty the Queen, with her home in the majestic Windsor Castle, but we also have the Prime Minister for parliament for Maidenhead.

“Not bad for a borough of 150,000 residents.”

Cllr Lenton, who is 78, has been married to his wife Margaret for 48 years.

The couple met when Cllr Lenton was giving a talk about trade union reform at a Young Conservatives meeting.

Mrs Lenton, who was the principal at Slough Grammar School for 22 years, said: “I stayed to talk to him and I realised it was too late to get home. John said he would give me a lift.”

The couple have lived in Wraysbury for 28 years and have one child, Philip.

Their first grandchild is due on the day of the election.

John, whose hobbies include gardening and model trains, has selected the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service and Thames Hospice as his main charities to raise funds for, but some money will also go to smaller charities and clubs.

When asked about the decision to cancel the after party and change the ceremony, Cllr Simon Dudley (Con, Riverside), leader of the council said: “We decided to hold a much more sombre service.

“It wasn't appropriate to appear in our robes and white ties.

“It was the appropriate thing to do.”


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