Carters Steam Fair enjoys moment in the sun on Sky advert

09:00AM, Sunday 07 March 2021

Carters Steam Fair has enjoyed a moment of fame in the latest Sky Mobile advert – with filming taking place during strict COVID-19 restrictions.

Joby Carter, owner of the traditional funfair in White Waltham, said that the three small film and TV jobs they had last year helped tie Carters over.

“We’d been hiding away in our yard when we got the call,” he said.

“We’re often the first port of call when someone wants a pretty funfair, but it’s been considerably harder during COVID-19 – you’ve got to sanitise all the time and keep your distance.”

The advert stars Lily James of Downton Abbey fame riding the Gallopers – Carters’ carousel built in 1895. Its toy town ride and several stalls also featured.

The Carters team were on-site to make sure no harm came to the vintage gallopers from the large camera rig placed on it.

The advert was shot with a blue screen at the Roger Moore Stage in Pinewood Studios, Iver, making it look like the fair was up and running in a park in summer.

Carters was also featured in a film shoot in March, the details of which are yet to be released. In the past it has leant its rides and attractions to big feature films including Paddington 2.


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