'Eye-watering' 10-storey block of flats in Maidenhead given the green light

01:00PM, Friday 05 March 2021

An application to build flats including a 10-storey building has been approved by the Royal Borough – despite opposition from some councillors.

The application is for 129 units across five residential blocks on Moorbridge Court and Liberty House in Moorbridge Road.

It was approved by the planning authority on February 22.

The plans include five affordable homes, a mix of social and affordable rented accommodation, as well as 66 car parking spaces, including 26 electric vehicle charging points.

In a development panel meeting last November, Councillors David Hilton (Con, Ascot and Sunninghill) and Geoffrey Hill (TBF, Oldfield) voiced opposition to the proposals.

This put them at odds with officer recommendations, which suggested approving planning permission.

Cllr Hilton was concerned that the flats were too ‘in your face’ and ‘eye-watering’.

Other councillors, like Cllr Joshua Reynolds (Lib Dem, Furze Platt), described being ‘conflicted’ by the proposals, due to the affordable housing provision and the fact that the new buildings would replace an ‘ugly’ office block.

A motion to refuse the plans – put forward by Cllr Hilton – failed and panel members agreed instead to defer to decision to the Royal Borough’s head of planning.

The planning authority has now granted permission to the developers, Bellway Homes.


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