Cameras could be installed on Marlow Bridge, council says

09:00AM, Thursday 18 February 2021

Long-awaited ANPR cameras to help deter overweight vehicles from using Marlow Bridge could become a reality, Buckinghamshire Council says.

Work has been taking place on the historic structure all this week – until tomorrow (Friday) – to adjust the width between the bridge bollards.

The distance between the bollards on both sides of the bridge will be reduced, but this has led to some concerns from residents that only smaller vehicles will be able to fit through.

Buckinghamshire Council says that the modified bollards will be set at just over 2,000mm apart and warned motorists to drive with ‘due care and attention’ to avoid colliding with them.

“This action has become necessary as overweight vehicles continue to ignore the signposted weight restriction on a daily basis, jeopardising the safety and longevity of the bridge,” a Transport for Bucks spokeswoman said.

“The modified bollards will be set at 2,100mm apart. Drivers will need to be aware of the size of their vehicle, drive with due care and attention through the traffic islands and ensure they align their vehicle correctly through the traffic islands.”

Marlow Bridge has experienced several incidents of damage being caused to the bridge due to HGVs using it as part of their route.

The spokeswoman added: “In parallel with this work, Bucks Council is working with Trading Standards to explore whether or not permanent ANPR cameras could be used as a sustainable measure to help deter overweight vehicles from crossing the bridge.

“This will be investigated throughout 2021/22, during which time traffic surveys will be undertaken to better understand how many overweight vehicles continue to breach the weight restrictions.”


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  • Chris123

    23:11, 18 February 2021

    This is madness and waste of tax payers money. Marlow is a wealthy area with many locals owning Range Rovers and expensive 4x4’s. Now many council tax payers will not be able to use a bridge they’ve always used. On top of this there are many locals with wide luxury and sports cars with large wheels that will no longer ‘fit’ or risk expensive wheel damage. The Council must be stopped. Marlow’s wonderful bridge is way stronger than you think with huge lorry’s getting stuck and NOT causing structural damage. Only damage to the bollards. Sure stop heavy Commerical vehicle but NOT local private cars. This is so wrong!



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