Plans for sports pavilion which would be 'new home' for Cookham Dean FC approved

05:40PM, Tuesday 23 February 2021

Plans for sports pavilion which would be 'new home' for Cookham Dean FC approved

Plans for a new sports pavilion building which would become a 'new home' for Cookham Dean FC have been given the green light by councillors. 

The 'modern clubhouse' would be built on greenbelt land in Lower Mount Farm in Long Lane and also include 87 parking spaces, two coach parking spaces and 16 cycle stands.

The site already has sport pitches after planning permission was granted back in 2012. 

Officers had recommended the plans for approval ahead of the meeting, stating that the building would 'encourage socialising, community bonding, outdoor sports uptake and general improvements in health and well-being for its users'. 

The application was called into the Royal Borough development management panel by Cllr Mandy Brar (Cookham, Lib) who raised concerns over the development's impact on traffic and the greenbelt. 

During the virtual meeting, she said extra pedestrian movement on Long Lane - which is a 'narrow single track road' with no lights filled her with a 'renewed sense of dread'. 

Panel member Cllr Josh Reynolds (Furze Platt, Lib) said he was also concerned about the size of the building and said it looked like a 'green shed'. 

Dick Scarff, speaking on behalf of the Cookham Society requested the applicant build a designated foot and cycle path link from Switchback Road to the site and requested change in the conditions suggested by officers. 

Duncan Gibson, speaking on behalf of the applicant said there were no 'negative highways impacts' from the application as the cars would have been on the road anyway accessing the existing pitches and clubhouse. 

He said the new pitches were less than one kilometre from the existing pitch and the footpath access into the northern end of the site was accessible via Whyteladyes Lane - which was a 'much more likely route' to the site for cyclists and pedestrians. 

"This is a good news application that would deliver real benefits to the football club and the wider community," he added. 

Cllr David Cannon (Con,Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury) recommended the application with an amendment to the wording of the conditions. 

This was seconded by Cllr David Hilton (Con, Ascot and Sunninghill).

The application was approved by every panel member except Cllr Reynolds who objected. 


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