LIVE: A-level results day

Hundreds of students across East Berkshire are nervously awaiting their A-level results today. We'll be bringing you the latest reaction, stories, photos and pass rates from schools across the area this morning.

08:59AM, Thursday 18 August 2016

LIVE: A-level results day


It was a bumper year for students Windsor College with more than 490 students sitting A-levels.

The college has estimated a 94 per cent overall pass rate after some students did not receive their maths results.

Top student at the college was Yussef Soudan, 20, with four As in maths, further maths, physics and chemistry. He will go on to study theoretical physics at Edinburgh University.

He moved to Windsor with his family three years ago from Egypt, where he dropped out of school at 15 after failing maths three years in a row, but found a passion for the subject and taught himself.

He taught himself the further maths course while studying at Windsor College.

Proud friend Matthew Rosolemos said Yussef is the ‘smartest guy in college’.

The 18-year-old was celebrating himself after getting three Cs in psychology, theatre and English.

He plans to stay on at the college for the first two years of a performing arts degree and in the future hopes to complete a PGCE to become a teacher.

Matthew said: “I am going to go to auditions and I will work towards my goal of becoming a teacher.

“I was so nervous last night I couldn’t sleep, I’m going to go out with my family when go out clubbing later with my friends to celebrate.”

 Principal of the college, Kate Webb, said: “Our students have done themselves proud. It is great to see so many young people fulfilling their potential.”


There was excitement at the Berkshire College for Agriculture as it achieved a 100 A*-E pass rate for its A-level exams.

The college students gained 56 per cent of marks at A* to C and all students managed to gain a place at either their first or second choice universities.

Assistant Principal, Debbie Cordwell said: “What great results for students who have clearly worked tremendously hard to fulfil their potential. This is reflected in their achievements and fantastic destinations. We send them forward with our very best wishes for their continued success.”

Science was one of the top performing subjects at the college, in Hall Place. Niamh Hawes gained an A* in biology and is now off to University of Birmingham to study human biology. She said:  “I could not have done it without the A Level team at BCA''.


Expectations have been exceeded at Beechwood School with A-level students pushing its pass rate up to 98.5 per cent.

In some subjects, including art, business studies, performing arts, product design, science, travel and tourism only A* to C grades were achieved.

An impressive 100 percent pass rate was achieved across 11 subjects, which would include A* to E grades.

Executive Headteacher Kathleen Higgins said: “so many of our young people have secured and exceeded their target grades and are now heading off to universities across the country to study in a broad range of fields.

“They have worked so hard, shown such commitment and have been extremely well supported by members of staff and their families.

“We are incredibly proud of our year 13 young men and women and wish them continued success as they advance into their exciting futures post school.”


Staff and students at Upton Court Grammar School celebrated outstanding A-level results with a 99 per cent pass rate.

More than half of A-levels awarded scored A* to B, with sixteen students achieving straight A* and A grades in all subjects and 79 per cent of results were A* to C.

Uyiosa Ogunbor, 18 was thrilled to meet her conditions to study medicine at Southampton, having got straight As in maths, chemistry and biology.

“I’m feeling really good now, I couldn’t sleep last night.

“With medicine you just don’t know what’s going to happen because there isn’t any clearing for it.”

Harkirat Kler, 18, was ‘over them moon’ after receiving A*s in physics and mathematics and an A in chemistry, meaning he can go onto study physics at Imperial College, University of London.

He said: “I’m over the moon and am really looking forward to starting.

I’m grateful for everything Upton Court has done to support me.”


Overall 60 per cent of A-level results at Langley Academy this year were A* to C and 84 per cent of students received A* to E grades.

Head of sixth form Richard Endacott said: “The majority of students are absolutely thrilled, we’ve got two going to Manchester and three going to Kent.

Student Emily Smith did extremely well, getting A*s in Psychology and maths and an A in geography.

“I feel very happy and a lot more relieved, they’re better than I was expecting.

“I’m probably going to do maths at Manchester but I’ve also applied for an apprenticeship with O2.”

Alyssa Meacock, 18 got Bs in history and sociology and a C in English.

She said: “I did better than I expected, I thought I was going to fail, I didn’t sleep very much.

“I thought I was going to have to get an apprenticeship but I’m thinking I could go to university now.”


The headteacher of Langley Grammar School John Constable was ‘delighted’ that 91.2% of A-level results at his school this year were A* to C grades, compared to 86.2% last year.

John Constable said: “We are delighted with the examination results gained by our year 13 students.

The figures represent around a five per cent increase on last year’s outcomes against a background of increasingly tightened standards.

“The grades are a testament to out student’s motivation and hard work together with the dedicated support of our staff.”

A-level student Manan Kapila, 17, was happy to receive A*s in economics and maths and an A in further maths.

“I probably wouldn’t have expected it, I was shocked,” said Manan.

“I’m feeling pretty delighted, I’m pleased I got it, I just had to have faith in myself.”

Manan has secured a place to study economics at LSE and wants to be an investment banker.


A total of four students from Reading Blue Coat will go on to study at Oxbridge.

All students passed their A-levels, with 93 per cent attaining a grade C or above.


The highest ever pass rate was celebrated at LVS Ascot with 99 per cent, up from 96 per cent last year.

Of this, 73 per cent of results were A*-C, with 84 students taking a total of 246 exams.

Major success stories include head girl Georgia Acton, who will be heading to Bristol University.

She got one A* and three As in French, chemistry, maths and German.

Georgia said: “I am really grateful to LVS Ascot for the support and teaching that has helped me achieve my goal, but also for the opportunity to be involved in so many other aspects of school life too”.

National level swimmer Abbie Johnson got an A* in biology and A in applied maths, combined with a double BTEC. She will study sport and  exercise science at Birmingham University.

Earlier this year the swimmer broke her personal best at the British National Swimming Championships in the 50m breaststroke one of only 24 swimmers in the country to qualify.

Principal Christine Cunniffe said: “It is testimony to the skill and commitment of our staff that as a non-selective school we are able to inspire students and get the very best out of them.”


The co-headteachers of Charters School say its sixth form students achieved ‘the best results in the school’s history’.

Brainy students from the school, in Charters Road, achieved an impressive 83.3 per cent A*-C pass rate with 58.3 per cent of entries graded A*-B.

The school also had a 100 per cent A*-E pass rate.

Co-headteachers Martyn Parker and Richard Pilgrim said: “With 58.3 per cent of the A-level entries graded A*-B, these are, by a significant margin, the best results in the school’s history.

“We hope students, staff, parents and the local community will feel justifiably proud of Charters’ success.”

Four Charters students secured places at Oxbridge including Emily Herbert who will be studying Philosophy at Cambridge after getting the results she needed.


All pupils at the Piggott School passed their A-levels with grades A*-E, with over 87 per cent of total grades falling between A* and C.

Derren Gray, headteacher, said: “I am proud to announce an outstanding set of A-level and Level 3 Vocational results for The Piggott School. Our students and staff work exceptionally hard and this is once again evidenced in this year’s results.

“This once again shows our school as a centre of excellence for both academic and vocational learning.

“I wish all our students the very best for their future and thank all the teaching and support staff for their continued dedication and professionalism.”


Hard-working students from Windsor Girls’ School took another step towards fulfilling their career dreams after achieving impressive results.

Stand-out performers included Sophie-Mae Smith, who got two As in biology and geography and a B in chemistry, and 18-year-old Laura Marshall, who got an A* and two As.

Sophie-Mae’s results secured her a place at the University of Nottingham where she will be studying veterinary science.

She said: “I always knew I loved animals but I decided I wanted to be a vet when my golden labrador, Betsy, died from leukaemia.

“We took her to the Royal Veterinary College and the work they did was amazing.”

The school, in Imperial Road, had an A*-E pass rate of 99.5 per cent while 76 per cent of students achieved A*-C.

Headteacher Gill Labrum congratulated students for their ‘hard work and commitment’.


Identical results were awarded to twins from The Marist School.

Students at the school celebrated a 100 per cent pass rate, with 86 per cent A*-C.

Top results at the school went to Jordan Coules, with 4 A*s. She will be heading to St Andrew’s to study medicine.

She was closely followed by Akamiya Karas, who achieved 3 A*s and an A and will also go on to study medicine north of the border at Edinburgh.

The year group’s twins, Amy and Ria Gandhi achieved identical results, with two As and a B.

Amy has an unconditional offer from Birmingham to read ancient history and Ria will study drama.

Principal Karl McCloskey said: “This year group have a love of learning and a passion for their chosen subjects.  This is reflected in their great results.”


The highest number of A* grades ever were gained at Burnham Grammar School.

The school, in Hogfair Lane, saw 18 students get only A or A* grades, with five of those getting straight A* marks.

The year 13 pupils achieved a 99 per cent pass rate, with 86 per cent of those being A* to C grades.

Headteacher Dr Andy Gillespie, said: “The students had been totally supported by staff to achieve their grades and work on their areas of weakness and embrace the challenge A-levels represent. This attention to detail has paid off with exceptional results.”

Top results for Chris Rexworthy will see the 18-year-old head off to Oxford University to study maths. He gained four A*s in physics, chemistry, maths and further maths.

Three A* grades for Shahmeen Rasul have earned her a place to study medicine at St George’s University.


Sir William Borlase's Grammar School celebrated a year of ‘outstanding’ A-level results today.

The school had the largest number of entries this year with 635 and had a pass rate of 91.9 per cent for A*-C grades and 100 per cent for A*-E grades.

The school also had a pass rate of 77.8 per cent for A*-B grades.

Three students, Elsebine Bolier, Joe Thrush and James Dexter each gained five A* grades.

Headteacher Dr Peter Holding said: “This was a really wonderful set of results, which reflect the exceptional work that has been done by these students and their teachers. 

This was also an exceptional year for all of the other things achieved by these students; they are a very talented and hard working group, and we wish them the very best in their future careers. 

It looks as though most, if not all, are having their University choices confirmed, which is wonderful news for them.  I am very proud of the students and their teachers, for yet again achieving such exceptional results.”


All pupils at Claires Court passed A*-E, with 77 per cent achieving a grade A*-C.

A total of 55 pupils sat 137 A-levels, with all but two of the students intending to go to university securing their chosen place.

The two who did not manage to get to their chosen university were described by academic principal James Wilding as having just missed out.

Nearly a quarter of the A-level pupils will go to seek permanent employment or start a foundation year.

Mr Wilding said: “I am delighted for all of our candidates this year, whose excellent results have enabled them to access the universities and higher education of their choosing.

“We are seeing a steady growth in the number of students who are choosing to move on into employment, with appropriate links to further education and professional development support.”

Ross Muil, 19, who achieved an A* in economics, an A in maths and an A in business studies, said: “My results are amazing, I am in shock at the moment.

“All the hard work has paid off.

“I’m looking forward to starting at my first choice University, Leeds, to study economics after a gap year.”


A business student from Brigidine School has her sights set on launching her own business after securing a place at the University of Reading.

Sabrina Khan, 18, sealed an A in religious studies and two Bs in business studies and psychology.

Despite narrowly missing out on her first choice university, Sabrina managed to get a place at the University of Reading where she will study business and management.

Sabrina said: “I would love to follow in the footsteps of my Dad and launch my own business.”

The independent school, in Kings Road, had a 100 per cent A*-E pass rate with 70 per cent of students achieving A*-C.

Head of education Simon Larter said: “We are really proud of what the students have achieved and we look forward to a bright future.”


There were tears of joy at the Westgate School in Cippenham Lane as students found out their fates.

Cassie Appleton said she ‘cried’ when she discovered she had achieved an A* in psychology, B in biology and a C in chemistry.

The 18-year-old, who is going on to study midwifery at Surrey University, said: “I was really surprised, I never expected to get a an A*, I thought I was going to get a B.”

A career in financial economics awaits 19-year-old Aditya Sharma, who achieved three Bs in maths, business and economics.

He will now go on to study at Royal Holloway in London. 

Fellow student, Leah Payne, said she was ‘ecstatic’ when she found out her results.

The 18-year-old achieved an A* in biology, an A in psychology and a B in history.

Overall the school managed to get 100 per cent pass rate for grades A* to E.

Head of sixth form, Poonam Mittal, said she was ‘delighted’ with the results.


A future in biochemistry at Surrey University awaits Slough and Eton student Jau Har, who got an A* and two Bs.

The 18-year-old, who studied Urdu, biology and chemistry, said the nerves got the better of him the night before.

He said: “I was really nervous as I wanted to go to Surrey University as it was the perfect course for me.”

Other success stories came from friends Yuka Queen, 19, and Natalie Phillips, 18.

Yuka got an A* in history and As in physics and maths and said she was ‘surprised' when she found out her results.

She will now go on to study law at Durham University.

Natalie achieved an A in sociology, B in English and a C in History and will be studying history at Kings.

Overall all students who sat the exams got A* to E grades.


Staff at Newlands School were thrilled after they achieved their best A-level results on record.

Pupils achieved 100 per cent pass rate, with all pupils attaining at least an E grade, and 91 per cent achieved A*-C.

The delighted teachers handed out results to thrilled students, many of whom had aspirations to go straight on to university.

Matthew Henshaw, the deputy headteacher, said: "They're a fantastic set of results.

"All staff at the school have worked incredibly hard.

"Everybody is delighted with the girls' success."

Hannah Coull, 18, who received A*s in extended project qualification and biology, as well as an A in chemistry and a B in maths, hopes to go to the University of Southampton to study biomedical science.

She said: "I'm really pleased, it's been a lot of work, a lot of hours.

"Everyone was really supportive."

Henri Toone, 18, who achieved an A in history and Bs in English and PE and intends to study physiotheraphy at Sheffield Hallam, said: "It's taken a lot of work.

"I'd really like to work with injured people."


Students and staff at Baylis Court School, in Gloucester Avenue, celebrated the best set of results as all students achieved A* to E grades.

Among them was 18-year-old Preet Singh who got three Bs in biology, sociology and maths.

She said she was ‘ecstatic’ when she found her results.

“I am really excited to study physiotherapy at Brunel University.”


More students are going to university than every before at the Burnham Park E-Act Academy.

Pupils at the school, in Opendale Road, gained a 96 per cent overall pass rate, with 51 per cent of those being A* and A grades. The school is seeing 78 per cent of its year 13s go on to university, with others moving into apprenticeships and straight into employment.

Miss Kerri-Anne Leavy, assistant principal, said: “I am absolutely delighted that once again the students here at BPA have been successful due to their hard work and commitment. Students have excelled in vocational courses which shows that the pathways our students are offered is supporting them in reaching their potential. I am proud of every individual student and I wish them all the very best for the future.”

The marks this year are the best the academy has seen, with 89 per cent of results A* to C and 56 per cent A* to B.


Sixth form students at St Joseph’s Catholic High School have made ‘enormous progress’ says the headteacher.

The school in Shaggy Calf Lane celebrated a 98 per cent pass rate with 59 per cent of grades being A*-C.

Headteacher Ciran Stapleton said he was ‘really proud’ of the hard work and dedication of both students and staff.

It is the best results the school has achieved for the third year in a row.

Ciran said: “Our students, who started their journey in the sixth form on an average GCSE grade of D, have made enormous progress by any standards.”


Cox Green School, in Highfield Lane, received a pass rate of 74 per cent for A*-C grades and a pass rate of 99 per cent for A*-E grades.

Heidi Swidenbank, headteacher at the school said: “Our A-level success is down to each and every one of the incredible students. Their hard work and commitment to their studies has paid off, as has teachers’ determination and subject expertise to do right by and support each and every one of them. This is great news for our students and their futures.

The school also received a record high for the number of students achieving A-B grades.


The headteacher of The Windsor Boys’ School has paid tribute to the achievements of all of his students after the release of this year’s A-level results.

The Maidenhead Road school recorded a 79 per cent A*-C pass rate with 99 per cent of students getting A*-E.

Top achievers included 18-year-old Markus Manerkoski who nailed two A*s and two As and his classmate Aidan Rogers, who achieved the same results.

They could be seeing each other on the freshers’ dancefloor at the University of Bristol where they will both be heading in September.

Arthur Smith, 18, also achieved a formidable set of results as he got two A*s in further maths and chemistry and two As in maths and physics.

Headteacher Gavin Henderson said:“We’re very proud of the achievements of all our students not just the obvious high fliers.

“We have many students who will be the first members of their families to take up university places which is amazing.”


There were smiles all round at Furze Platt Senior School this morning as youngsters eagerly opened their results with anticipation.

With a record year group of 139 students, staff at Furze Platt were delighted with the results achieved this year.

The school in Furze Platt Road achieved a pass rate of  71 per cent for A*-C and a 99 per cent pass rate for A*-E.

The school also had a pass rate of 23 per cent for A*-A grades.

Tanya White, headteacher at the school, said; “We’re so pleased for the students this year, this is the biggest year 13 group we’ve ever had so it’s nice to know that we’ve maintained our standard even though we’ve grown.

We’re got three students going to Oxbridge who are delighted.

They’ve all worked really hard for this and we are all so proud of them.

One students who was chuffed with his results was Ryan Irvin who achieved three As in politics, geography and maths

He will be going to his first choice Royal Holloway this September to study geography and politics.

He said: “It’s an interesting feeling of elation, I’m so surprised.”

James Martin was also proud of his results after he achieved two A*s and one A in English, politics and philosophy.

He will be going to Oxford University to study law.

He said: “I really didn’t know what to expect, I checked on UCAS this morning so I knew I had gotten in. I’m so happy. I’ll probably celebrate tonight but just ordering an Indian takeaway.”


The headteacher at Herschel Grammar School said she was ‘delighted’ that the school had improved upon last year’s results.

A total of 86 per cent of students at the school in Northampton Avenue achieved A* to C, which is two per cent higher than last year.

Headteacher, Jo Rockall, said: “We are really delighted that our results have improved this year.

“The students and staff work very hard.”

Over all 99 per cent of students achieved A* to E.

One of them was 18-year-old Yinan Zhao, who got A*s in Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), maths and further maths and As in Chinese and physics.

His grades are enough for him to go to Durham University to study further maths.

He said: “I feel really good, I was feeling quite scared but I am relieved now.”

Yoga Muthy achieved A*s in EPQ and biology, As in chemistry and physics and a B in maths.

The 18-year-old is planning on taking a gap year before applying to study medicine next year.


Altwood School’s headteacher Neil Dimbleby is 'incredibly proud' of the students after they achieved a 99 per cent pass rate for this year’s A-level exams.

The school, in Altwood Road, had some star performers, with 30 per cent of results being A* to A, with 48 per cent of students achieving A* to B grades.

Ellie Caulfield was thrilled this morning to find out she has gained an A* and two As, gaining her a place at Bristol University this September to study liberal arts.

The 18-year-old said: “I knew I had got in but I wasn’t expected this! I was looking at the grades and all the colour went from my face then I just went round hugging all the teachers. It’s the proudest day of my life.”

Mr Dimbleby added: “I am incredibly proud of our students; all their hard work has certainly paid off! It’s a credit to them and the staff at Altwood that such a significant number of our young people have successfully gained a place at the university of their choice. I am thrilled for them and would like to take this opportunity to sincerely wish them every success in the next phase of their education.”


Our photographer snaps are starting to come in. Look at this happy lot at Furze Platt Senior School.


Russell Group universities are on the cards for many girls from the St George’s School in Ascot.

The school celebrated an overall pass rate of 97 per cent with 91 per cent A*-C.

Tops marks in the school went to Moe Kishima, who was awarded 3 A*s, 2As and an A grade in her Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), equivalent to an AS Level.

She is going on to study medicine at University College London.

Other top performers include head girl, Lottie Hughes (A* and two As) and Jade Agnew and Qianyi Deng who both got 2A*s and an A.

Headteacher, Rachel Owens said: “Every girl has worked extremely hard to achieve this outstanding set of results - I am proud of each and every one of them.

“These confident young women have the life skills as well as the results they need to pursue the careers of their choice and I wish them all the very best of luck for the future.”


Shock and relief set in for students at Desborough College as they tore open the envelopes to reveal the results of their hard work.

A terrific number of A*s and A grades had been gained, with 13 per cent of year 13s getting the top grades overall.

The school, in Shoppenhangers Road, had a 97 per cent A*-E pass rate, with 66 per cent of those A*-C.

Jack Hillyer, 18, will be setting off to Oxford University this September after gaining an A* and three As to study engineering.

Jack, who lives in Wyndham Crescent, Burnham, said: “I’m stunned to be honest, but very pleased. I’ll celebrate with everyone tonight.”

Another top student who is heading to university next month is 18-year-old Will Lawrence who gained three A*s in economics, business studies and geography and will be studying international business at Leeds University.

Paul Frazer, principal of Desborough College said: “Once again we are delighted with the achievements of our students, the majority of whom are progressing to the university of their choice with an increased number gaining places at Oxbridge and Russell Group universities.

"Students and staff have worked incredibly hard and our year 13 students now leave us for the next exciting chapter in their lives and we wish them all the very best.”



Congratulations to Claires Court students celebrating their results.


Very soon we'll be bringing you summaries from the secondary schools in our areas. Watch out for some images coming in from our photographic team too.


Here's The Windsor Boys' School headteacher.


Dave's still out visiting schools.


A lot of people will be celebrating this evening.


Most of the reporting team are back in the office and are busy ringing around the schools for more results.



More results coming in.


Our team of photographers are out across the area snapping some happy students.

Look out for a photo gallery on the sites later today.


Still hearing from some very excited students.


Imagine the clean-up in the morning...


Are you a student looking for some advice?

The Department of Education exam results helpline will be open every day until Wednesday August 31 to help A-level and GCSE students. More than 40 expert careers advisers will be on the phone number – 0808 1008000.

Advice and support is available on topics including re-sits, re-marks, higher education, careers, apprenticeship guidance, vocational qualifications and gap years.

University applicants can also get help from the UCAS website, whatever grades they achieve, on confirming places or finding suitable courses.


Furze Platt's headteacher is happy with her students' achievements.


We also want to know how students receiving their A-level results this morning are celebrating.

Are you off for a family meal? Spending time with friends? Or does Smokey Joes beckon?

Tweet @MaidenheadAds or let us know in the comments.



We have some very smart students in East Berkshire!


Remember doing this?


Results coming in thick and fast now.


This is how yours truly celebrated a decade ago.


Lots and lots of happy stories to bring you this morning.


Many of us will remember this day well and will either look back on it fondly or break out into a cold sweat. We want to hear your #alevelmemories from the day.


Congratulations to the students at Herschel Grammar!


We are already getting the first pass rates in.


It's a day that many of us will remember. Hundreds of students across East Berkshire will be feeling those familiar nerves this morning as they head into their schools to find out how they got on in their A-levels.

We'll be bringing you live updates from our reporting team this morning as they speak to students and teachers about their achievements.


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  • Debbie Cordwell

    10:10, 19 August 2016

    One thing all our colleges and schools have in common...wonderful, hard-working young people and dedicated teachers.



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