Conmen target visually impaired OAP in her home

11:09AM, Wednesday 31 August 2016

Conmen target visually impaired OAP in her home

The town's talking newspaper has issued a warning to vulnerable people after one of its visually impaired listeners fell victim to distraction burglars.

A man claiming to be from the 'Water Board' called at her Maidenhead home on Tuesday, August 23, saying he was investigating a water leak.

Once inside he distracted the elderly householder in the kitchen while an accomplice searched the house, stealing whatever cash and valuables he could find.

A spokesman for the talking newspaper, an audio version of the Advertiser, warned: "Please be aware these men could be operating in your area. Never open the door to strangers or let them into your home without carefully checking their credentials first.

"These criminals are experts in deception, always sound genuine and have no qualms about who they rob, most often targeting vulnerable people."

He added: "Remember, whether or not you can see their identification  - which is not always genuine - you have every right to ask for their names, tell them to come back later and check with their companies or the police if they are genuine or not."

The victim, who is not being identified, was unhurt but left badly shaken by the violation of her home.

She told the Advertiser: "People need to be warned that this kind of thing happens. Had I seen a warning I would have been much more cautious about letting someone in."


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