Zoom lips compliments of Honest Beauty

02:17PM, Thursday 25 February 2021

I washed my hair for a Zoom call with a client last week, but they opted for a camera-free meeting.  I felt a bit cheated.  The client said they’d made a company decision to do audio rather than visual calls as the norm so employees don’t feel under pressure to look good.  

I like the thinking that you shouldn’t have to be super woman (juggling work, looking for work, home schooling, lack of home schooling etc…) and look like super woman at the same time. But I’m also finding that a few basic rituals help me switch between home me and worky me. Hair washing is one of those, changing from leggings to a dress for meetings is another (when else will I get to wear them?) I’ve pretty much given up on mascara, but I’m all over lip gloss and Honest Beauty’s Liquid Lipstick is all over my lips.

It’s chapped lips time of year so I’m never far from a lip balm (cold outside + central heating inside = lip disaster).  Liquid Lipstick feels and works like a lip balm but adds a good pop of colour too. ‘Off duty’ is my go-to shade when I’m on duty.  ‘Bff’ looks a bit more pouty in real life, but is super natural on zoom. And there are six other beauties to play with.

All eight colours are available at www.cultbeauty.co.uk and they’re £16 each. Delivery is free when you spend £20 or more, and there’s 10% off your first order if you sign up to the newsletter.


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