Holyport Cares Facebook group connects neighbours in need

02:44PM, Monday 23 March 2020

Holyport Cares Facebook group connects neighbours in need

A new volunteer group in Holyport has been set up to help vulnerable people who may be distancing or isolating.

The organisation, called Holyport Cares, is reaching out via Facebook for volunteers and those in need as a result of COVID-19.

Those signing up are directed to enter personal details including the street of residence, which will allow the organisers to set up volunteers with neighbours in need who live nearby.

The two can arrange between them how best to help. It may be picking up shopping, posting mail or just calling to see how they are.

Holyport Cares is also aiming to cooperate with local businesses – for example, they have reached out to J & S Rook Butchers, who are offering home deliveries for elderly and at-risk groups in the village and surrounding area.

The group is particularly looking to get posters and flyers distributed around the village, though it recommends against knocking on stranger’s doors, as those practicing social distancing or self-isolation may not wish receive people at the door.

Anyone who believes they could benefit from the service can call or text 07380 203679 and leave their name, phone number and the road of residence. Alternatively, they can leave their details at the Londis on Holyport Road.

Those wishing to volunteer with Holyport Cares should instead email Holyportcares@gmail.com, or put in a request to join the Facebook group at: www.facebook.com/groups/HolyportCares


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