Twyford tai chi instructor to shave head for cancer charity

03:00PM, Saturday 20 August 2016

A sufferer of t-cell lymphoma is to shave her hair for charity.

Tricia Miller, 68, of Springfield Park, a tai chi instructor who conducts lessons in Twyford and Wargrave, will take part in the Brave the Shave initiative, which encourages people to raise money for cancer charity Macmillan by cutting their hair off.

So far, Tricia has raised £260 of her £500 target, and she hoped more people will join her fundraiser.

She is due to have her hair shaved off at her hairdresser’s in Woodley.

Tricia said: “I looked up different fundraising ideas.

“You see people jumping out of planes but I don’t like heights.

“People always say I have nice hair so I thought it would be better if I had it all shaved off.”

She has lost many members of her family to the condition and other types of cancer, including two brothers and a sister.

Tricia and her family have often used the support provided by Macmillan.

She felt this would be a good way to ‘try to pay back a little’.

Visit and search ‘Tricia Miller’ to donate to her fundraiser.


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