Flackwell Heath given 'football lesson' but Simmo's sensational strike sees them march on in FA Vase

03:10PM, Wednesday 23 December 2020

His side were given a ‘footballing lesson’ by Chatham Town in the FA Vase on Saturday, but Marcus Richardson’s Flackwell Heath showed great maturity and resilience to beat

their more experienced hosts and book their place in the next round of the competition.

Khalid Simmo scored the game’s only goal with a wonderful curling effort in the first half and, despite creating seven or eight decent chances, Chatham – a side Richardson described as the Man City of Step five football – were thwarted.

The 1-0 win sees Flackwell progress to the fourth round of the competition and an away tie against Lancing FC, however, the FA has said the competition is currently ‘under review’ due to tier 4 COVID-19 restrictions being in place for much of the country, and it remains to be seen whether the ties on January 9 go ahead as planned.

“They were a very good side,” said Richardson. “I felt that we were taught a footballing lesson if that makes sense. But I didn’t have a doubt in my lads.

“We know how to defend and score goals. I never questioned for a moment that we would be in the tie. My players never let themselves down, and they didn’t let me down either.

“Saturday was quite emotional for me to be honest with you. Just to see how the players put together all the things we’d worked on, never giving up, winning the ball back, getting back into position.

“Chatham had a lot of the ball, and I’ve never had a team dominate my side in the way they did, but it was nice not to have it all our own way if you know what I mean. They were all ex-professional players who understand the game.”

Flackwell produced a great team display with everyone working ‘their butts off’ for each other according to Richardson, however, he was keen to highlight the performances of Mo Ceesay, Khalid Simmo and goalkeeper Aaron Watkins, who pulled off a number of fine saves.

“Watkins was quality, he says I never give him any credit, but he played really well,” said Richardson. “The whole team played well but he was absolutely superb.

“Mo Ceesay. People might think of him as a forward but I’m telling you this guy is on another planet. He shows quality that’s way above this level. We’ve got players like Khalid who are more than capable of doing special things. I don’t want to swear but the players worked their butts off. Their work rate, to defend but also go on the attack and create opportunities was incredible. As a team they were different class, they did not give Chatham a second to breathe.”

He added: “They had some opportunities, maybe seven chances but out of those they should have scored one, whereas we had three or four goalscoring chances. But Chatham did play with great movement. They dominated us in a way that we’ve dominated sides this season. I felt a bit like Klopp when he first took over at Liverpool, trying to compete with the likes of Man City, but it was emotional to see my lads show that progression. They followed the game plan to the letter. And Khalid’s goal, wow, it was worthy of winning any game.”


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