Marlow RFC attempt to minimise monthly 'burn rate' to steer club through public health crisis

04:16PM, Wednesday 08 April 2020

Credit: Marlow Rugby Club


Marlow RFC are attempting to minimise their monthly ‘burn rate’ of costs as they look to guide the club through the coronavirus pandemic.

As a consequence of the government’s advice on social distancing the club has already taken the decision to shut down its clubhouse, grounds and operations for the time being while all rugby activity was ceased some time ago.

The hope is that rugby will resume some time over the summer months, but the club is prepared for there to be no rugby until much later in the year. In short they’re looking to assure the survival of the club by ensuring they have the resources and capability to restart operations when able to do so.

“In common with all community clubs, Marlow RFC faces an immediate loss of income from its trading activities,” said chairman Jez Povey.

“We have successfully diversified our revenues in recent years and that gives us some resilience, but those streams are also potentially at risk in the medium term.

“The RFU and Bucks County are working on measures to support grass roots clubs through this crisis, but the brutal truth is that some clubs will struggle to survive if the current measures continue for an extended period.

“I’d like to assure our members that Marlow has put itself in a strong financial position in recent years and we will work hard to minimise the long term damage from this crisis.

“The plan agreed by the committee is to reduce our operating costs to the minimum needed to retain our operation capability. By minimising our monthly burn rate of costs we are seeking to extend the timescale over which we can sustain ourselves.

“Events happen and what defines us all is how we react to them.”

The club has seen some members take the initiative by setting up virtual gatherings to keep in touch with vulnerable members of the community during the lockdown, while rugby club volunteers are also manning a drive-in clinic every day at the Marlow Medical Centre and helping to deliver prescriptions to those who need them.

As of last week the club started a second drive-in clinic at Pond House Clinic in Wooburn Green. More volunteers are needed to support this. The clinic is being set up every weekday morning from 6.30am. Stuart Wilson who is co-ordinating this project on


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