Bowls round-up: Ex-members blessed with fine conditions for Marlow vs Old Marlovians encounter

03:00PM, Friday 30 August 2019

Marlow BC

Marlow were blessed with perfect bowling conditions over the Bank Holiday weekend as several past Marlow members and friends descended from various parts of the country to play in a Marlow v Old Marlovians encounter.

The conditions were  probably a shade too good as the heat was quite oppressive throughout the game but this did nothing to lessen the quality of the play as all 4 rinks fought competitively until the end. 

On rink 2 current Marlow man Dave White was facing a team comprising former Marlow lead bowler Terry Anstead and his dad Dennis White and on this occasion it was the elder statesman who came out on top.

Dennis and his team mates Lynda Taplin and skip Paul Simmons who went behind early on, took a 14-7 lead into the 11th end and despite a late comeback by Dave White's team which included Alan Burden, Anne White and one of Marlow's past bowlers and former greenkeeper Ian Newell, they secured a 19-15 victory.

But top rink of the day went to skip Tim Hyde, Pam Butler, Angela Moss and former Marlow bowler Lorrette Burton winning 20-12. Tim Hyde was playing against wife Carol, Ray Justice, Denis Bloomfield and another top lead bowler from Marlow's past Derek Barton but it was Tim Hyde's team who had the upper hand from the start and never conceded their lead.  

On rink 5 another excitingly close duel was emerging as two former Marlow bowlers Ann Cox and Matthew Hyde faced each other. For Ann Cox she had Roger Turpie, former Marlow bowler Shirley Pulham and John Battersby up against Matt Hyde's team of Dougie Bird ( played for Marlow about 10 years ago ), Sue Burden and Peter Jennings and this game was close throughout until the 16th end when Matt Hyde's team dropped a four to fall behind 18-12 but in the last two ends they grabbed a five and then two more to clinch a single shot win.

Another two former Marlow favourites Nigel Burton and Jean Williams were facing each other on the fourth rink and for Nigel who played at three along with Sue Moore, Elizabeth Bamford and skip guest bowler Keith Buckle it was a good start as they took a 11-2  lead after six ends and then 17-7 ahead after nine ends. But Jean Williams and her team of Peter Barltrop, David Jenkins and lead Martin Cooper turned it round and with the help of seven shots in one end they got back to 18-18 but Keith Buckle's team went three shots ahead and just managed to hang on for a tight 21-20 victory.

It was an absorbing day full of fine bowls and nostalgia and the match was followed by a superb meal laid on by John Henniker and his helpers in the kitchen but it was a great occasion not just for the players but for the many old faces that turned up to watch on the day.

A midweek match between Marlow and Glory Mill, with yet another day of solid sunshine, brought out the best in the home team as Marlow won on all three rinks with the top rink going to a fine performance from skip Lynda Taplin, Peter Jennings and Martin Timberell.

They kicked off with eight shots in two ends and proceeded to dominate their opponents and had amassed a lead of 22 shots with just one from the opposition after 12 ends. Despite a slight late flurry from Glory Mill Lynda Taplin's rink ran out worthy winners 28-7. Close behind was the rink of skip Roy Fabry, Tanis Hudson and Lesley Burgess who were 3-1 down after three ends but came right back into the game in the 4th end and powered through the rest of the match totting up a tidy 26-10 victory.

Marlow's third rink featured Bill Pocock and Suzanne Bell playing a pairs match and they just clinched victory 19-18. A much needed confidence boost for Marlow with an overall match score of 73-35.


Desborough BC

For once Desborough got one over on old foes Windsor & Eton as they won by 14 shots, 110-96.  The Green Lane outfit won on 4 of the 6 rinks with Bruce Adams, Roger Wyatt and Tony Buckley's rinks returning winning scorecards but there was not any doubt about the top rink as Pauline Tuttle, Steve Barnes, John Skinner and the mercurial Maurice Rhymer put in a fantastic performance to win by 11 shots, 20-9.

Even the dodgy maths of the Captain of the day Maurice Rhymer couldn't prevent Desborough falling to an eighteen shot defeat against Wexham B C, 93-75. Everyone had an afternoon to forget on a tricky green except for the only winning rink of Pat Hatch, Michael Hobson and Dave Wagner who won 17-13.

In the TVL, the Buttercups  were fortunate that Island Bohemian Cygnets turned up one rink short and Desborough got an 8-2 win. The Bluebells went down 8-2 to Sunningdale despite a fighting performance from Helen Copeland, Rhona Pike and Sylvia Laban who won 29-11.

Desborough Ladies prevented the Royal Household from winning the Royal Shield as they won 8-2 with an outstanding performance from Ching Crunden, Mary Martin and Sylvia Laban who won 34-14.


Royal Household BC

The Household were victorious on Saturday in their six rink mixed Friendly against visitors Cheltenham.

With the oppressive heat taking its toll on a few players the hosts managed a win on five rinks with a convincing 137-96 scoreline.

Top rink honours went to Graham Crisp, Anne Simmons, Marsha Nicolson and Mick Sayers (27-9).


Windsor & Eton BC

Windsor & Eton lost their away friendly against Desborough, going down 97-110.

Top rink was claimed by Eric Ireland, Brian Mellor, Jim Henderson and Jim Fenlon.

The second was a home fixture with Richings Park as the visitors. The green ran rather too well for many; home and visiting players alike. The ditches have never been so frequented! WEBC managed to take advantage, coming out winners with 91-80.

Top Rink was Clive Dawson, Colin Andrews and Bryan Pritchard (sharing the game) and Chris Heitzmann.

As the season begins to wind down, attention turns to competitions; both Club and National.

A group of WEBC supporters were able to cheer on Tony Scott in the final stages of the National Mens Senior Singles, played in Leamington. Representing both WEBC and the County, this was Tony’s first visit as a player. When it was known that he had qualified, he said his aim was to win at least one round, just to say that he had won a match at the home of bowls.  In the end he won two games.

In his first tie, he was against Peter Knight from The Isle of Wight. Despite a challenging green, Tony took an early lead which he maintained to the end with a tally of 21-10.

In the next round he had a slow start against Cambridgeshire’s Peter Rodgers and was soon trailing 0-5.  In Scott style, he pulled back to 5-5 and kept his head and his lead taking the final score, once again, to 21-10.

The tide turned in his third outing when he was pitted against a very strong opponent in Keith Caldicutt from Hertfordshire. The Rink did not bowl in Tony's favour and despite putting in some good shots he was out bowled and thus eliminated from the competition.

August Bank Holiday Monday is the day for the Club’s annual “Hathaway Memorial Cup” competition, an all day triples tournament named in honour of former member Tony Hathaway; the first man to win all the available County competitions at one time or another.

After a long hot day of rounds and knock-outs, the final was between Jill Barker, Charlie Andrew & Jim Fenlon, v Margaret Hallett, Eric Ireland & Alastair Gibson.

Despite obvious fatigue, they treated onlookers to some of the finest bowling and tightest heads one could ask for. Knock for knock, the 9 end final was drawn at 7 shots apiece, so an extra end was required, bringing the total for the day to 34 ends. The standard of play didn’t drop and the excitement continued to the final delivery. One shot to Barker, Andrew and Fenlon gave them victory at 8-7.

As a glorious sunset painted The Brocas, and peeked through the trees to Goswell Meadow, the day was rounded off with a balmy evening barbecue.




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