Slough RFC president hopes members will help put club back on its feet again

09:00AM, Sunday 12 April 2020

Like all community clubs the suspension of rugby activity will put a huge financial strain on Slough RFC.

However, it’s president, Ray Gagnon, is hoping the club’s members can steer it through this difficult time, and prop it back onto its feet when the public health crisis has passed.

In a letter to members, Gagnon asked them to keep their membership going through this uncertain period and to socialise at the ground when things return to normal.

“In other words we need you to spend lots of money with us once this is over,” he said.

“Which hopefully you’ve saved by not going into your local pub during the closures.

“This will help put us back on our feet.

“Unfortunately, there is no answer to how long this will be going on and I can only hope that you and your loved ones are all healthy and remain so through these trying times. I hope to see you at the club some time in the future.”


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